Monday, October 22, 2012

Interest places

Parks and activities

The Snake and Columbia rivers flow through eastern Washington before joining to cut a passage through the Cascades.


The mountain that dominates the centre of the state, rising to 4,392m (14,411ft) is Mount Rainier and in the south, Mount St. Helens 2,550 m (8,365 ft)

Washington State boasts many fine beaches and small resorts on the Pacific coast, and much of the state is covered by coniferous forest.

Other activities include yachting on Puget Sound, hiking along the Pacific Crest National Scenic Trail, and mountain climbing in the Cascades and the Olympic Mountains.

Olympic peninsula waterfall trail


Rejuvenate your senses with living color in Washington. Eat fresh food, rich coffee, plants, gardening, beautiful handmade things and of course, flowers.


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